COHA Membership Benefits
April 25, 2014: Karen Lewis; Senior Program Officer, Washington Dental Service Foundation
February 21, 2014: Samuel Zwetchkenbaum, DDS MPH; Geriatric Dentistry Fellow, Rutgers School of Dental Medicine; New Jersey Coalition for Oral Health for the Aging
October 11, 2013: Gregory Bator, Producer; Graceful Aging TV; Attorney At Law
April 26, 2013: Frank Scannapieco, DMD PhD; Professor and Chair, Department of Oral Biology, School of Dental
Medicine, University at Buffalo the State University of New York
January 25, 2013: Mary Ablan; Michigan Area Agencies on Aging Association Executive Director
Future 2014 Speakers:
Barbara Smith; American Dental Association National Elder Care Advisory Committee
Jill Moore; Michigan Department of Community Health
Models of Care
Thank you for your participation!
COHA Executive Board
- Updates on available resources, articles, and meetings for oral health for the aging are made available through email blasts.
- Quarterly meetings featuring nationally-recognized guest speakers
April 25, 2014: Karen Lewis; Senior Program Officer, Washington Dental Service Foundation
February 21, 2014: Samuel Zwetchkenbaum, DDS MPH; Geriatric Dentistry Fellow, Rutgers School of Dental Medicine; New Jersey Coalition for Oral Health for the Aging
October 11, 2013: Gregory Bator, Producer; Graceful Aging TV; Attorney At Law
April 26, 2013: Frank Scannapieco, DMD PhD; Professor and Chair, Department of Oral Biology, School of Dental
Medicine, University at Buffalo the State University of New York
January 25, 2013: Mary Ablan; Michigan Area Agencies on Aging Association Executive Director
Future 2014 Speakers:
Barbara Smith; American Dental Association National Elder Care Advisory Committee
Jill Moore; Michigan Department of Community Health
- COHA highlighted as a Best Practice in Oral Healthcare for Older Adults by Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors
- 2014: Collaboration with Oral Health America: Wisdom Tooth Project (
- 2014: Development of the Health Mouth Matters for oral health education
- Summer 2014: Geriatric Dental Seminar: Preparing Patients for Future Oral Healthcare Decline: What Dentists Can Do Today; Speakers: Drs. Mary Fisher and Elisa Ghezzi.
- Speakers bureau for organizations requesting presentations on oral health for the aging
- Information on presentations on topics related to oral health for the aging
Models of Care
- COHA organizes monthly Dental Days in collaboration with organizations that serve the elderly and adults with special needs to provide preventive and referral services. These efforts highlight the need for oral healthcare for these populations and establish local networks for continued care.
- 2014: In collaboration with dental, aging, and governmental organizations, COHA is developing plans for a Stakeholders’ meeting to move beyond an agreement of the challenge of access to care for the vulnerable elderly to the identification of existing and future collaborative resources to design solutions to improve care.
- 2013: University of Michigan pre-doctoral dental student completed Stakeholders’ Survey project to evaluate the level of knowledge of stakeholders in dentistry, aging, and government of programs and resources that impact access and funding for oral health care for the elderly in the state of Michigan.
Thank you for your participation!
COHA Executive Board
- Elisa Ghezzi, DDS, PhD: Immediate Past Chair
- Lisa Darrow, RDH, BA: Treasurer
- Kelly Detter, RDH: Secretary; Practice Models Workgroup Chair
- Suzanne Tanis, RDH, BS: Chair; Education Workgroup Chair